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Expert in
Marine &
Assured Quality
Competitive Rates
Keep the Drive-Tech owner's costs down by providing them highly flexible couplings in original and Good Conditioned. Which we source from ships coming here to demolition yards. Thus we aim at do our bit towards the environment.
Suitable for each vessel
Flexible couplings are used on nearly all types of ships with diesel mechanic or diesel electric drive concepts.
Large cruise ships such as the Aida Stella, workboats such as the ice-breaking drill ship Stena Icemax or the jack-up
vessel Innovation and boats for leisure activities can all benefit from the outstandingly dynamic properties and the long
product lifetime of the couplings source in one of our production locations.
Stationary Energy Production
Flexible couplings are found not only in main and auxiliary ship drives, PTOs, PTIs and boat drives, but also in stationary
power plants used for permanent, temporary or emergency power supply. We can offer all type of Vulkan Series Couplings to your Stationary Equipment,
Generator couplings from BLUE TECH MARINE have always been the first choice for highly flexible couplings of Diesel motor with Generators.
We deliver original, new or completely
restored couplings to our clients with -
competitive rates and quality assured material.
Our Clients with at Worldwide. We dispatch the goods immediately as per our clients requirement are the mathod for dispatch of the goods Air Cargo and by Sea. We available 24×7 in your service, Whatever be your Problem Solutions is our Ambition.
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